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Residential Heated Floor Thermostat AC200 - 240VAC Voltage Environmentally Friendly

Residential Heated Floor Thermostat AC200 - 240VAC Voltage Environmentally Friendly

    • Residential Heated Floor Thermostat AC200 - 240VAC Voltage Environmentally Friendly
    • Residential Heated Floor Thermostat AC200 - 240VAC Voltage Environmentally Friendly
    • Residential Heated Floor Thermostat AC200 - 240VAC Voltage Environmentally Friendly
    • Residential Heated Floor Thermostat AC200 - 240VAC Voltage Environmentally Friendly
    • Residential Heated Floor Thermostat AC200 - 240VAC Voltage Environmentally Friendly
    • Residential Heated Floor Thermostat AC200 - 240VAC Voltage Environmentally Friendly
  • Residential Heated Floor Thermostat AC200 - 240VAC Voltage Environmentally Friendly

    Product Details:

    Place of Origin: Romania
    Brand Name: AHT
    Certification: CE
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    Detailed Product Description
    Type: Floor Heating Parts Floor Heating Part Type: Floor Heating Mats
    Application: Underfloor Heating System Voltage: AC200-240VAC 50/60HZ
    Product Name: Electric Underfloor Heating Mat Usage: Residential

    electric underfloor heating thermostat


    underfloor heating programmable thermostat

    Residential Heated Floor Thermostat AC200 - 240VAC Voltage Environmentally Friendly


    AHT products cover indoor heating, outdoor de-icing and snow-melting, based on our revolutionary and unique Amorphous Metal Ribbon Heating Technology. Highly efficient heating at low cost, it is a totally safe, environmentally friendly system which is easily installed and requires no maintanance for both Indoor and Outdoor heating.




    AHT’s technologically advanced underfloor electrical heating system provides a warm, comfortable, luxurious home environment. For use in every room such as the bathroom, kitchen, living room, utility room, basement, den, or bedroom, it can be installed under any flooring type such as tile, stone, wood, laminate or carpet according to our official installation manual. The AHT underfloor heating system gives a constant and exceptionally comfortable heat, with no blasts of hot air from noisy fans or blowers to stir up dirt and dust. The absence of unsightly radiators makes furniture placement easier and creates a safer home environment with no exposed hot surfaces.


    The AHT Underfloor Heating system, based on a unique Amorphous Metal Ribbon heating technology, has significant advantages over any other type of underfloor heating system:

    • Its suitable and can be installed under all types of floor coverings
    • It reaches working temperatures faster than other systems
    • It generates more consistent heat
    • It is less costly and more economical to operate
    • It has a low profile and superior flexibility
    • It is extremely simple and easy to install
    • It is perfectly safe from electrical shock hazards and electromagnetic radiation
    • It is reliable and durable.


    AHT heating mats are designed and manufactured to the highest safety standards and meet class II appliance requirements; are constructed with double insulation and have successfully passed the applicable tests of IEC safety standards: IEC En 60335-1:2012;A11 (Household and similar electrical appliances – safety, general requirements) and IEC En 60335-2-96:2002;A1:A2 (particular requirements for flexible sheet heating elements for room heating), as well as IEC En 62233:2008 (Electromagenetic fields of household apparatus with regard to human exposure).


    The AHT heating mats are certified and listed by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) based on UL 1693 (Electric Radiant Heating) standard, Certificate Number E349312 as well as Nemko, Cerificate Number P15220551 and therefore proudly carry the CE, the Nemko N and CB as well as the UL marks.


    Sistemi i ngrohjes nen dysheme AHT, bazuar ne teknologjine unike te ngrohjes me Shirita Metalike Amorfe, ka avantazhe domethenese mbi te gjitha tipet e tjere te sistemeve te ngrohjes nen dysheme:

    • Pershtatet direct ne dysheme nen cdo lloj siperfaqeje
    • Arrin temperaturen e punes me shpejt se cdo sisitem tjeter
    • Gjeneron nje nxehtesi me te qendrueshem
    • Eshte me pak i kushtueshem dhe me shume ekonomik ne punes
    • Ka trashesi te vogel dhe fleksibilitet te larte
    • Eshte jashtezaonisht i thjeshte dhe i lehte per t’u instaluar
    • Eshte shume i sigurte nga rreziqet e goditjeve elektrike dhe rrezatimi elektromagnetik
    • Eshte i besueshem dhe rezistent.


    Rrjetat ngrohese AHT jane dizenjuar dhe prodhuar ne standartet me te larta te sigurise dhe ploteson kerkesat e zbatimit te klasit II; jane ndertuar me izolim te dyfishte dhe kane kaluar me sukses testet e zbatimit te standarteve te sigurise IEC: IEC En 60335-1:2012;A11 (Paisjet shtepiake dhe paisje te ngjashme elektrike – Siguri, kerkesa te pergjithshme) dhe IEC En 60335-2-96:2002;A1:A2 (kerkesa te vecanta per elementet e sheshta dhe fleksibile ngrohese per ngrohjen e dhomave), si dhe IEC En 62233:2008 (Fushat elektromagnetike te aparaturave shtepiake ne lidhje me ekspozimin e njeriut).

    Rrjetat ngrohese AHT jane certifikuar dhe renditur nga Underwriters Laboratories (UL) bazuar ne standartin UL 1693 (Ngrohja Rrezatuese Elektrike), Numer Certifikate E349312 si dhe Nemko, Numer Certificate P15220551 dhe prandaj mban me krenari market CE-ne, N te Nemko dhe CB si dhe UL.




    AHT Snow-and-Ice Melting systems are based on our unique amorphous metal ribbon heating technology. They have significant advantages over other types of hydronic or electrical cable- based Snow Melting and Ice Prevention systems.


    AHT currently supplies three families of products:

    • Underground – U Outdoor heating ribbons
    • Roof and Gutter – G Outdoor heating ribbons
    • Road – R Outdoor heating ribbons


    Among the benefits of the AHT Snow Melting and Ice Prevention systems are:

    • Wider contact area with the cold ground or ice
    • Reaches the working temperature faster than other systems
    • Energy saving
    • Generates more even heat
    • Less costly
    • Extremely simple and easy to install
    • Reliable and durable.


    Intended for use under concrete, asphalt, paving stones, gravel and natural or artificial grass to heat sportsfield of all types such as football, rugby, tennis, golf etc. as well as for agricultural applications. The heating element can be driven by various power voltage sources, AC or DC: 110-120, 208, 220-240, 400 and 600 Volts, as long as the current limit is met. Low voltage (below 50 volts) usage is also possible. The upper limit working temperature of the heating element is 70C.


    All AHT Outdoor heating ribbons are based on a unique design of fully grounded heat-tracing cable made of amorphous metallic ribbon enclosed in a mechanically robust flexible enclosure. The element is designed to meet IEEE 515.1 standards for underground and outdoor exposed applications and are fully certified and listed by INTERTEK and proudly carry the ETL mark.

    Contact Details
    Nanjing Saiko Controls Co.Ltd

    Contact Person: Mr. James Zhang

    Tel: 86-25-52128536

    Fax: 86-25-56216123

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